Sunday, February 5, 2012

Festive Grey Typewriter

Bad picture of my Underwood "Correspondent" typewriter. 

My wife described it as, "...another happy grey machine..." in my collection of typewriters and radios. I said it was more a 'festival' grey than the 'somber' grey of my hallicrafters S-38 radio or the 'happy' grey of the printer for our PC.

So this is it: the Festival Grey Typewriter of my title...

February 5 - I havta do this EVERY day?

Looks like I'm not getting a post up every day, like I hoped. Oh, well, goals should make us stretch.  Besides, the superbowl is on - gotta go, those chips and salsa won't eat themselves.

January 25 - Ham Radio and Writing

January 23, Handwriting Day

January 22 - Winter came on a Sunday

January 21, 2012 First Post